Tag Archives: Floor Press
WOD 2016-08-05
Strength: Floor Presses; Workout: "Bear Complex" (5 Sets of 7 Rounds for Load: Power Cleans, Front Squats, Push Presses, Back Squats)
mehrWOD 2016-07-27
Strength: Floor Presses; Workout: 5 RFT (Bar Muscle-ups, Ring Push-ups, KB-Swings)
mehrWOD 2016-06-28
Strength: Floor Presses; Workout: 2 RFT (T2B, Pull-ups, KB-Swings, Push-ups, Dumbbell Snatches)
mehrWOD 2016-02-17
Strength: Floor Presses; Workout: "Bear Complex" (5 Sets of 7 Rounds for Load: Power Cleans, Front Squats, Push Presses, Back Squats)