AMRAP in 20 Minutes: 8 Toes to Bar 10 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks (m: 50 lbs, f: 35 lbs) 14 (m)/ 12 (f) Cal Row CrossFit Games ScoreCard for 18.1
5 Minutes of: Burpees Then, 5 Minutes of: 7 Deadlifts (m: 155 lbs, f: 105 lbs) 7 Box Jumps (24″) Then, 5 minutes of: Turkish Get-ups (m: 40 lbs, f: 25 lbs) Then, 5 minutes of: 7 Snatches (m: 75 lbs, f: 50 lbs) […]
AMRAP in 13 Minutes: 55 Deadlifts (m: 225 lbs, f: 155 lbs) 55 Wall Balls (m: 20 lbs/10 ft, f: 14 lbs/9 ft) 55 Cal Row 55 Handstand Push-ups CrossFit Games ScoreCard for 17.4
Strength: Overhead Squats; Workout: 3 RFT (Row, KB-Swings, Pull-ups)
Strength: Front Squats; Workout: AMRAP in 12 min (Row, Wall Balls)
Strength: Back Squats; Workout: AMRAP in 20 min (Row, Double Unders, Deadlifts)
Strength: Strict Presses; Workout: "Tabata This" (Tabatas: Row, Squats, Pull-ups, Push-ups, Sit-ups)
Strength: Weighted Pull-ups; Workout: For Time (Row)
Strength: Back Squats; Workout: 4 RFT (Row, Double Unders, Sit-ups)